The First Peoples’ Cultural Council is now accepting applications for the Youth Empowered Speakers Program! The YES program provides up to $38,620 to support B.C. First Nations youth, ages 18-35 who are interested in learning their language while completing their post-secondary education for a career in language revitalization.
The application deadline is January 23, 2024.
The information session is November 21, noon.
For more information on the program details and eligibility, to view the guidelines, and register for the info session visit the YES program page.
First Peoples’ Cultural Council would greatly appreciate your support so please share the YES Poster with your contacts!
Language Program Funding Expressions of Interest
The Language Program funding process is different this year as it will begin with the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) for all Language Programs that are offered to organizations.
*Please note that this is not an application for funding. The EOI is an indication of interest in applying for funding in the project areas selected and to identify program priorities.
The deadline for EOI submissions is December 14, 2023.
To learn more and submit your Expression of Interest, visit
Please share the Expression Of Interest Poster with your community.
First Peoples’ Cultural Council’s Holiday Card Contest Reminder
Do you know a creative Indigenous artist in B.C. who is 5-12 years old? We would love for them to enter the FPCC 2023 Holiday Card contest!
The Holiday Card deadline is November 17, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. PST For more information about prizes and how to apply, click here. Please share this opportunity in your community: Holiday Card Poster