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Bishop Bay Hot Springs Survey

Participate in BC Parks' public survey to collect information about Bishop Bay Hot Springs visitor use.

Bishop Bay-Monkey Beach Conservancy protects one of the northwest's most popular marine hot springs. Locals and boaters exploring the Inside Passage

commonly stop at Bishop Bay to enjoy the hot springs, safe anchorage, and camping.

In 2022, a management plan was approved for the Conservancy; during that process, there was interest in determining the appropriate amount of visitors using the hot springs to ensure quality experiences without impacting natural and cultural heritage values.

Complete the survey to share your thoughts on:

  • Visitor use;

  • Current facilities;

  • Changes needed; and

  • Possible management improvements

Staff will use your feedback to help guide future works so the conservancy continues to protect important values and remains a great place for people to enjoy.

Who: Indigenous partners, community members, outdoor recreationists, and

permitted commercial operators.

How: Review the background information and complete the survey by visiting

When: The survey will be open from June 15, 2023 - October 15, 2023


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