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Gitga’at Construction Project Updates: Fall 2023

Many projects are happening in and around Hartley Bay. These construction initiatives help fuel the Nation's economy through job creation and building amenities members need.

Here are the latest updates on some of GFN's most exciting construction projects, prospective projects, and reminders for members:

Daycare Building

Crews have worked hard to bring the daycare project to the finish line. We are down to the final details, and the building will be open very soon! The facility offers daycare and afterschool care with room for up to 25 children. Complete with a new playground and original artwork by Shawna Kiesman, this new building will impress.

Keep an eye on the GFN Facebook page for the daycare grand opening details.

Marine Emergency Response and Research Facility (MERRF)

Tenet Builders, headed by Matt Kidd, is the contractor building the MERRF. The new headquarters for the Gitga'at Emergency Response Team and the Gitga'at Oceans and Lands Department (GOLD) is a significant project for the Nation. We expect construction to last about 18 months.

The latest update on this project is the building foundation footings have been poured. As the months go on, the updates will become more and more visible, so passersby will be able to see the changes as the new building goes up.


In September, workers put in the hatchery's new water intake system. Due to some missing parts, it's not fully working yet, but it will be soon. Workers will add protective screens to the system when the river's water level goes down.

The hatchery needs upgrades for the building, incubation room, and rearing troughs. Workers will focus on these changes through the winter and next summer to ensure everything's ready for a new crop of fish in 2024.

Water Security

The Water Security project kicked off in May with road construction to the Upper Lake, and crews have built about 5 km of the road. The road is almost finished, but blasting rocks and large construction vehicle activity continues.

We estimate the initial road completion in December after which additional road building related to geotechnical assessments and other work associated with securing a permit to construct the weir will continue.

The road remains off-limits until further notice. Please do not go onto the road unless accompanied by an employee of NRC or other authorized personnel.

Malsey Bay Campsite

The new campsite has four tent pads, a gazebo, and pit toilets. Once the weather improves, the campsite will be available for Gitga'at members.

Everyone must drive slowly and cautiously along the Malsey Bay road and trail to minimize trail damage and avoid accidents and injuries. Construction activities in the area are ongoing, and occasionally, workers transport heavy equipment and materials on the road.

Sewage Lift Station Repairs

The sewage lift station repairs should be finished in the coming months. The upgrade to the sewage lift station and the electrical control panel on the septic tank has been completed, except for providing a new electrical service pole.

Please do not flush anything other than waste and toilet paper. Flushing anything else can damage the lift station pumps or block lines and lead to sewage backups.

Barge Ramp

Though construction of an upgraded barge is not in the works yet (it still requires funding approval), it's a project GFN has on the radar. The Nation has engaged an engineering firm to design an extension of the barge ramp to allow barges to tie up, load, and unload in all tides, not just high tide. Please keep an eye out for updates.

Village Road

Another project in the initial phase is the village road boardwalk. Some boardwalk sections need replacing soon. The capital projects team is investigating the potential of replacing some specific boardwalk sections with a concrete-topped road. Concrete should reduce wear and tear on the boardwalks, allowing easier movement of equipment and supplies and reducing the cost of construction. The proposed design has gone to Council for review.

Wastewater Treatment Facility

GFN is designing a new sewage treatment facility to replace the community septic tanks in front of the band office. The new system will treat community wastewater in a series of lagoons near the new road to Malsey Bay; the exact location is still to be determined.

Construction Projects Help the GFN Economy

Building things like roads and buildings helps the economy grow, creating more jobs and chances for the future. To know about GFN's construction work, check the Nation on Facebook or get the newest Amhaw magazine.


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