Developing Clean Energy to Ensure the Comfort, Safety, and Self-Determination of the Nation
In 2015, an agreement was signed with the provincial government supporting the development of clean energy initiatives on Gitga’at territory. Under the agreement, any revenue generated from projects located on local lands and waters must be shared with the Gitga’at people.
In past decades the Nation has been reliant on costly energy sources such as diesel. As prices continue to skyrocket and emissions standards get tighter the Nation wants to move toward more sustainable solutions to give our community the clean, reliable energy it needs to power its future.
Gabion Hydro
Through the government’s First Nation and Remote Community Clean Energy Program, funds are being provided for the development of a 900-kilowatt hydroelectric dam on the Gabion River. The purpose of the dam is to help the Nation eliminate its reliance on diesel-generated electricity. This will help the community meet its energy needs at a lower cost with fewer emissions and a decreased environmental risk.
Chute Lake Hydrogen
Going forward, the shift to clean energy sources will decrease the risk of environmental disasters and reduce the reliance on expensive, high polluting energy sources such as fossil fuels. An energy-efficient, hydrogen-based economy is one way for the GFN to remain self-sufficient with energy supplies secured while being open to any economic opportunities that the creation of clean energy technology could bring. Chute Lake Hydrogen is one such project.